Information, History, Culture, Traditions, Scriptures, Interpretations, and Metaphysics of the Maccabees
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The Maccabee Videos, Part I. Brief Takes on the Maccabees
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus.
The Hammer of God, Part I. the Judaizers have Returned
Part I. The Future Judaizers of the Catholic Church
The Coming Age of Christian Hanukkah
One of the more important changes that are bound to take place in the Roman Catholic Church will be a new movement called the Order of the Maccabees, or the Order of the Hammer. One of their new traditions will include the Christian celebration of Hanukkah every year with families lighting the seven candle menorah and with Catholic Churches around the world eventually agreeing to also celebrate this so-called ‘Jewish’ holiday. The fact remains that, in the West, only the Roman Catholics include the Divinely-inspired Books of the Maccabees in their version of the Holy Bible. The official symbol of the Order of the Maccabees will, of course, be the seven-candled Menorah and the five Jewish Saints, Judas, Jonathan, John, Simon, and Eleazar will be studied and celebrated by all future Roman Catholics. Jewish tradition notes the following:
The LORD said unto Moses, ‘…During the existence of the
Temple you will sacrifice, but the lighting of the lamps shall
be for ever, and the blessing with which I have charged you
to bless the people shall also exist for ever. Through the
destruction of the Temple the sacrifices will be abolished,
but the lighting of the dedication of the Hasmoneans will
never cease.’
– Jewish Folk-lore
The Order of the Maccabees
This Order will require all males to be circumcised before the age of 18 and will offer 5-10 year, as well as life-long, sisterhoods and brotherhoods, which will basically be little more than short or long-term stints as a monk or a nun. Priests of the Order of the Maccabees will consist of three distinct degrees. The Bishops of Matthias will be completely shaven, including all their body hair, and will not be allowed to marry. The Priests of Judas will remain clean-shaven, except for long side-burns and can either marry or not. They will be held to strict sexual standards, which include no masturbation and no sex until marriage. The Priests of Simon, John, Jonathan, and Eleazar will either be completely bearded, goateed, or mustached, and already married. These specifics can be seen in the following manner:
Hierarchy of Maccabaeus: Hair Requirements, Marital Status
1) Bishops of Matthias: Totally shaven all over, Completely Celibate
2) Priests of Judas: Shaven with Side-burns, May Marry or Not
3) Priests of Simon, etc: Bearded, mustached, etc., Should be Married
Some critics scoff at the idea that circumcision will be the wave of the future among Christians and contend that, even if Christianity manages to survive the New Age, it would never actually practice the ‘barbaric’ customs of the Jews and the Muslims by ‘forcibly’ removing the foreskins of male penises. Instead, they expect Christianity to eventually become more Pagan as well as more accepting of sexual degenerate behavior, especially homosexual behavior among white males. The Roman Catholic Church, especially the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, tends to disagree with these blasphemous predictions. Instead, they are already preparing for a massive wave of iconoclastic, Christian Judaizers who will begin exhibiting supernatural abilities probably before the end of the 21st century. A major part of their religious campaigns will include the need for all good Christians to circumcise their male sons, regardless of the Apostles’ earlier agreement to allow Gentile converts to ignore this essential covenant law of Abraham. A new book of prophecy, written by a new God-fearing prophet, and included in the new section of the Holy Bible known as the Final Testament, may read something like this:
In the beginning, the heart of the Gentiles was made of
stone, but the words of the peaceful, gentle Christ Jesus
caused them to stumble and fall on their way to Mount
Olympus, where Satan sat upon his throne waiting to
rule over them forever. In time, the teachings of the
Nazarene, spread by His 12 Apostles and 73 Disciples,
took root among them. Soon enough, their hearts of stone
slowly became hearts of gold so that they might finally turn
away from the ancient mountain of wickedness and evil
and instead look towards Mount Zion for their salvation.
Now, as the 8th day of Creation has come upon both Jew
and Gentile, there will be only one law among them and
one law alone. Older than either Moses or Jesus, some would
say this law is the most important law of them all. It is the law
of the 8th day. Just as Abraham was commanded by the LORD
Himself, Rabbi Jesus now commands all men to circumcise
their sons so that the LORD may take away their greedy hearts
of gold and instead make them hearts of flesh and blood that
will love and serve Him forever. For in the beginning, the Gentiles
were stubborn of heart. Now that they are older and wiser, they
must move forward into the 8th day of Creation so that their hearts
will become stubborn no more.
– The Book of Jason, Final Testament, the Bible
The New Age of Judaized Christianity
One thing is certain. The Pagan Hellenizers of Christianity have lost to the Judaizers once again in many different ways. It is simply a matter of time before more and more Christians start to take the Old Testament seriously again and find that the Roman Catholic Church, which is little more than the Temple in exile, already has long-term plans to re-establish a civilization which is more obedient to all the laws of God. This includes the laws that only the Orthodox Jews seem to take seriously anymore. Messianic Judaism, along with a massive influx of Jewish influences into Christianity, is expected to create a unique and very Biblical society in the years to come. After that comes the thunder, and then the lightning, and then the knowledge that the third millennium, the New Age of Christianity, has only just begun.
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus, the Hammer of God.
The Hammer of God, Part II. The Maccabee Laws of God
The Maccabee stands for Hammer in Hebrew
Part II. The Maccabee Laws of God
The Maccabees Enforce the Laws of God
The tradition of the Maccabees within the Church, both in the West and in the East, has always been a tradition of what modern society would call law enforcement. Since the beginning of Christianity, they have actively promoted the rule of law, most especially the moral and ethical laws found in the Old Testament. Sometimes their law enforcement policies have been quite brutal. It is no coincidence that the word Maccabee is Hebrew for the word hammer, while the main text on witchcraft called Malleus Maleficarum is better known as ‘The Hammer of the Witches’.
Today, the Maccabees are playing a leading role in trying to heal the Schism between Eastern and Western Christianity. They are also a highly influential element of the Office of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, commonly known as the Inquisition.
The Maccabees & The United States Military
The five brothers of the Maccabees basically assisted in writing the United States Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Read carefully, this code seems very Old Testament in its outlook. Literally all forms of sexual perversion are prohibited outright. Rape, adultery, sodomy, and fornication are not only grounds for demotion and possible dishonorable discharge, but can also result in criminal punishment, including prison time depending upon the severity of the offense. Even using vulgar language with sexual connotations is considered punishable. The U.S. Code of Military Justice carries some of the harshest penalties for sex crimes in the known world. A partial list of these sex offenses and their penalties are as follows:
Criminal Sex Act (USCMJ): Criminal Sentence (USCMJ)
Rape and Rape of a Child: Death Penalty/Life Imprisonment
Aggravated Sexual Assault: 30 Years Imprisonment
Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child: 20 Years Imprisonment
Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child: 20 Years Imprisonment
Aggravated Sexual Contact: 20 Years Imprisonment
Aggravated Sexual Contact with a Child: 20 Years Imprisonment
Abusive Sexual Contact with a Child: 15 Years Imprisonment
Indecent Liberty with a Child: 15 Years Imprisonment
Abusive Sexual Contact: 7 Years Imprisonment
Indecent Act: 5 Years Imprisonment
Forcible Pandering: 5 Years Imprisonment
Wrongful Sexual Contact: 1 Year Imprisonment
Indecent Exposure: 1 Year Imprisonment
Far more than anyone else, it has been the Maccabees, especially St. Judas Maccabeus, that have insisted upon keeping the unique tradition of an ‘officer and a gentleman’ alive and well within the United States Military. Unfortunately, this tradition has broken down in recent years and many potential problems have simply been ignored. In the past, religious Chaplains actively serving in the military were required to be ordained Roman Catholic Priests, Jewish Rabbis or Protestant Ministers. In other words, the U.S. Military only provided religious services for Jews and Christians and no one else. These days, those who practice witchcraft and even outright Pagans have also gained the ‘right’ to have their own respective denominations represented among U.S. Military Chaplains. It is only a matter of time before avowed Satanists also assert their ‘rights.’ Imagine that, a Satanic Priest serving as a chaplain in tomorrow’s military and being paid a salary using tax-payer dollars! By any standard, the Maccabees would consider this an outrage.
The United States army has recognized white witchcraft as a
religion and has appointed chaplains to oversee pagan ceremonies
on at least five bases. A Pentagon spokesman said yesterday that
there were believed to be at least 100 witches attending covens at
Fort Hood, Texas, the army’s largest base with more than 42,000
troops. So respectful has the army become of the pagan rites that
security was increased at Fort Hood’s Boy Scout camp, where
covens are held. The move is to deter members of Christian groups
from intimidating the group. The pagans, called Wiccans, are
accorded the same privileges as practitioners of Christianity,
Judaism andIslam. They are encouraged to have their religious
preference stamped on the metal dog-tags each soldier wears.
- Ben Fenton
What is even more outrageous is the sexual misconduct that has become rampant in today’s United States Military. Because of the unisexual, co-ed practices that are now prevalent, fornication and even adultery have become commonplace, even in places such as Iraq, an active war-zone. Allowing men and women to mingle freely may have helped the case for women’s equality, but it has also caused an almost complete break-down in the sexual morality of U.S. troops, especially among the enlisted. Even the top military academies have not escaped unscathed. There have been numerous reports of lecherous male cadets dropping their pants in front of female cadets in full anticipation of receiving oral sex. Apparently, this was what was expected of them! Grown males, with some of the highest educational achievements in the nation, were exposing themselves to female Naval, Air Force, Army and Marine cadets, with similar academic credentials, as a standard hazing practice.
They covered…the mark of their circumcision and abandoned
the holy covenant; they allied themselves with the Gentiles and
sold themselves to wrongdoing.
- I Maccabees 1:15
This is a far cry from the U.S. Military traditions of yesteryear in which well-dressed, unmarried young men and women would attend dances, balls, and celebrations in their finest attire and would dance and sing eloquently to the approval of the older married men and women with families. It is to be hoped that the age-old tradition of an ‘officer and a gentleman’ that originates from the devout, chaste behavior of numerous Israelite warriors throughout history will someday return.
The Five Brothers of the Maccabees & Their Legacy
More than two thousand years ago, the victorious Maccabees and their followers lit a candle that miraculously lasted for eight days before burning out. That candle continues to survive within the Roman Catholic Church and within Orthodox Judaism. To a lesser extent, it also resides in the modern Evangelical Protestant Church and still flickers within the United States Military. It can be seen in nature itself as when crows, pigeons and other birds will forcibly bob their heads and peck at the ground as if they were living hammers pounding on the dirt, or concrete, in tribute and remembrance of St. Judas Maccabeus, the hammer, and his brothers. Many traditional religious believers will insist that this is no mere coincidence. The actual names of the five brothers of the Maccabees, the sons of Matthias, are as follows:
St. John Gaddi- John, the Treasure
St. Simon Thassi- Simon, the Zealous Guide
St. Judas Maccabeus- Judas, the Hammer
St. Eleazar Avaran- Eleazar, the Piercer
St. Jonathan Apphus- Jonathan, the Wary
As mentioned previously, these five brothers were, in fact, the very first Saints of the Christian Church before it split into different sects. Even though they were never Christian in their own life-times, they were instrumental in organizing and carrying out the rebellion and subsequent war against the pagan Greco-Roman gods of old. They willingly followed Rabbi Jesus and His rebellion against Zeus and Apollo after His death on the cross when ‘He descended into Hell.’ Wikipedia states the following:
The Roman Catholic Church regarded the Holy Maccabees as
martyrs in their Calendar of Saints, although this feast was
suppressed in 1969. The Eastern Orthodox Church continues to
celebrate the Holy Maccabean Martyrs on August 1, the first
day of the Dormition Fast.
As Christian Saints they are considered by the Church to reside in the Kingdom of Heaven. Their status among the Jews remains less clear, but even the non-Christian Jerusalem Talmud states on numerous occasions, ‘Blessed be the Angels and the Saints.’ Because of the sharp influx of Gentiles into the early Church, there was a slight hesitation among some early Christians in accepting mere Jews equally with the true Saints of the Church such as the Apostles. In the end, these God-fearing Gentiles had no problem in accepting the Jewish Saints known as the Maccabees as part of the overall Canon. Arnaldo Momigliano writes, ‘The Fathers of the Church persuaded their flock…that the seven “Maccabean” brothers deserved to be treated as Christian saints.’
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus, the Hammer of God.
The Hammer of God, Part III. The Maccabees Supernatural Rebellion Against Mt. Olympus
- Jeremiah 23:29
The Maccabee stands for Hammer in Hebrew
Part III. The Maccabees Supernatural Rebellion Against Mt. Olympus
Telepathy, Sexuality, and the War of the Maccabees
Sometimes, living men and women have been forced to use somewhat nontraditional, heterodox means in order to establish telepathic communication. Though the Church remains extremely unlikely to ever officially admit to their existence, there are, in fact, certain methods that can assist God-fearing individuals in obtaining telepathic and perhaps other supernatural abilities (See St. Judas and the Temple of the Black Diamond). Indeed, legends indicate that these somewhat unorthodox practices were of vital importance in helping Judas Maccabeus and his brothers win the civil war against the Greek occupiers of ancient Israel and their sexually degenerate, and many times uncircumcised, Jewish allies.
Apparently, Judas Maccabeus, the rebel leader, began receiving reports early on indicating that an elite cabal of homosexual Jews and Greeks were using long-distance telepathy as a part of their military operations, including coded written messages in both Greek and Hebrew. Truth be told, it is unclear whether or not the Maccabees and their religious allies were even familiar with telepathic communication. They probably had some experience with it through personal interaction with the wild, desert prophets and other religious authorities, but it is quite obvious that they had little to no idea about how to harness it effectively in order to win the war.
Historically speaking, there is some evidence that telepathy played a role in the successful slave rebellion led by Moses and Aaron against the Egyptians. Indeed, Aaron and his sister Miriam were probably both highly telepathic along with many of the other early Levites. Several scholars will also claim that forty years of wandering in the desert, where most of the Israelites fed themselves with the mysterious manna (Red Dragon fat) provided by God for years on end, eventually caused many, if not all, of the families involved to become very telepathic. Nevertheless, it is more than possible that the power of telepathy had become almost completely forgotten by most of the Israelites during the Age of the Maccabees more than a thousand years later.
Regardless of the specifics, Judas Maccabeus quickly discovered through spies that frenzied homosexual orgies, including high-powered anal and oral sex, along with the frequent, mutual swallowing of semen, may have been involved in the Greeks seemingly Divine telepathic powers. Apparently, these hyper-sexualized rituals, which took place both outdoors in public, as well in total darkness in underground chambers, were causing the participants to become demonically-possessed, telepathic beings, who were able to see through each other’s eyes. They were also using remote viewing to track rebel troop movements and hunt down those Jews still practicing Orthodox Judaism.
Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on Hell.
– Proverbs 5:3-5
In addition, it is quite possible that these evil, wicked enemies of God were eating each other’s feces and urine and staring directly at the sun for long periods of time in order to manifest these powers. Put bluntly, at least some of them were looking into the sun while committing sodomy. It was truly a time of the Beast 666 and his motives could be clearly seen by the sexual immorality that had completely taken over the Temple of Jerusalem. This intensified the evil in an intolerable and utterly disgusting way.
The Gentiles filled the Temple with debauchery and revelry; they amused themselves with [male] prostitutes and had intercourse with women even in the sacred court.
- II Maccabees 6:3-4
One could say that either one, or perhaps all, of these particular activities were the real cause of the homosexual Jews and Greeks developing telepathic and other supernatural powers. Because of his desperate circumstances, however, Judas Maccabeus did not have the time to verify exactly what was behind his opponent’s paranormal abilities. Because of this, he immediately ordered at least some of his followers to eat and drink their own, as well as their fellow warrior’s feces and urine. After some trial and error, those involved were told to eat only the hard, rock-like feces that contained numerous, round, small balls like the various, tiny shit-heads of little people. To develop a strong, defensible telepathic communication system, some of them stopped eating anything at all, except for whatever they could find in the wilderness, where they remained in hiding during the early part of the war. The rebels also smoked large amounts of marijuana and/or hashish to soothe their hunger pangs. The Bible states as follows:
Judas Maccabeus with nine others…withdrew himself into the wilderness, and lived in the mountains after the manner of beasts, with his company, who fed on herbs continually, lest they should be partakers of the pollution.
- II Maccabees 5:27
It is also possible that, in desperation, Judas Maccabeus allowed his married soldiers to practice oral sex with their wives, who would then swallow their husband’s semen in order to establish a strong, telepathic connection. Sometimes the link became powerful enough for the wives to see through their husbands’ eyes and hear their thoughts. It is said that more than a few of these couples became telepathic quite quickly and began having the exact same dreams. Throughout the war, married wives helped to relay strategically important messages sent by their scout husbands over long-distances. Fortunately for the Maccabees, this private, two-way method of telepathy between husband and wife eventually became impossible for the sexually perverted enemy to intercept or cause interference. The most probable explanation for this is that the Divinely-sanctioned, monogamous, heterosexual love between the two spouses may have helped to shield their messages from the almost completely homosexual Jewish and Greek telepaths trying to decipher them.
Matches are made in heaven.
- The Babylonian Talmud, Genesis Rabba 68
In three different places…are we told that heaven appoints the wife of a man.
- The Babylonian Talmud, Genesis Rabba 68
This new-found technique of undetectable, heterosexual telepathy completely enraged the sexually degenerate occupiers of the Kingdom of Israel, causing them to resort to human sacrifice and cannibalism in the Temple of Jerusalem in an attempt to increase their diabolical, supernatural powers. They also proceeded to take out their frustrations upon many of the unarmed, innocent civilians, perpetrating numerous, hideous atrocities against any and all suspected Jewish sympathizers, yet completely leaving any Greek or other foreign residents alone.
[Jason] commanded his men of war not to spare [anyone]…and to slay…[all of them]. Thus there was killing of young and old, making away of men, women, and children, slaying of virgins and infants.
- II Maccabees 5:12-13
In retrospect, the possible practice of the Maccabees in allowing or encouraging oral sex between a married man and woman, which is prohibited by Jewish law and still defined in the Dictionary as sodomy, was a sinful, ungodly way to defeat the enemies of Israel that should have never been used. Contrary to the wicked, Satanically-inspired, deceivers of the truth who might insist otherwise, Judas Maccabeus never authorized any other abnormal sexual activity in order to develop supernatural powers and severely punished any of his fellow allies who were caught practicing anything except monogamous, heterosexual vaginal intercourse within the sacred bonds of marriage. Even consensual, heterosexual fornication between two unmarried people was punished by the traditional twenty-five, extremely painful lashings with a whip, inflicted on both the male and female offenders.
Daniel, my brother, you are older than me. Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won’t heal? Your eyes have died, but you see more than I. Daniel you’re a star in the face of the sky.
- Daniel, by Elton John
Throughout the military campaign and afterwards, Judas demanded total abstinence from all his followers, even though their Greek enemies promoted, encouraged, and even celebrated degenerate sexual activity in order to achieve telepathic abilities and to summon evil powers to help them defeat the Jews. In the end, the Maccabees basically concluded that the fairly disgusting, highly unsanitary, and possibly lethal, ingestion of feces and urine was, in fact, the primary ingredient that actually helped facilitate telepathy among his soldiers. Staring directly at the sun was another probable method Judas Maccabeus utilized in order to create a strategic system of telepathy that included encoded written messages, commonly known as the Word of God.
Got a revolution behind my eyes, we got to get up and organize. Got a revolution behind my eyes, we got to get up and organize…You want a revolution behind your eyes, we got to get up and organize.
- Battleflag, by Lo Fidelity Allstars
The legends state that, although the five brothers of the Maccabees never lost their own eyesight, some of the less fortunate troops did go completely blind in their search for supernatural powers. In fact, it is claimed that the mysterious seven watchtowers of Joarib, originally set up as a defensive measure to protect the God-fearing, loyal Israelites that opposed the sexually perverted Jews and Greeks ruling over them, was little more than a 24-hour system of elite soldiers who would stand up and look directly at the sun in shifts all day long. This was also done in order to guard the headquarters of the telepathic, military intelligence corps who played a key role in winning the war of the Maccabees. Urgent written messages from the front would sometimes arrive via the sun and would then be passed on to the appropriate rebel leaders.
Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream. I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been, to sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen. They talk of days for which they sit and wait, [when] all will be revealed. Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace…but not a word I heard could I relay, the story was quite clear.
- Kashmir, by Led Zeppelin
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus.
The Hammer of God, Part IV. The Righteous Maccabee Legacy called the Sicarii
- Jeremiah 23:29
The Maccabee stands for Hammer in Hebrew
Part IV. The Righteous Maccabee Legacy called the Sicarii
The Oldest Secret Tradition in the World
The War of the Maccabees that was fought against the sexually perverted Greek occupiers of Israel resulted in the revival of a tradition that had lain dormant within Judaism for literally thousands of years. For the first time since the Hebrew slave rebellion led by Moses against Pharaoh and the Egyptians, an ultra-secret society was formed with the sole purpose of protecting both Judaism and the Jewish people from any external threats. Legend has it that their symbol was the all-seeing eye below the pyramid, much like the back-side of the Great Seal of the United States turned upside down. Others believe it was simply the Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon.
Solomon was in a different category, because he ruled over the denizens of the upper world as well as of the lower.
- Babylonian Talmud, Mo’ed IV, Megillah 11b
This secret society, whose members included both the Sadducees and the Pharisees, later became known as the Sicarii, the only group that had actual contact with the Jewish dead. They saw themselves as enforcers of the Law and were instrumental in forming a Jewish educational network that taught literally all Jews the fundamentals of their religion along with basic reading and writing skills, something that had never been done before. Indeed, the Jews were the first people in history to have almost an entirely literate population. The result of this universal religious schooling was a substantial increase in the number of Zealots, pious Jews who knew the Torah, as well as a huge surplus of devout and well-educated Jews who settled throughout the Greco-Roman Empire and excelled in business and commerce. During the rise of Pagan Rome, the overall population of Jews increased exponentially due to their preference for large families and their religious ban on abortions, infanticide, or birth control, something which the Pagans practiced quite frequently.
It could be claimed that the secret tradition of Jewish independence from Gentile rule or enslavement and the underground brotherhood that kept this unwritten tradition alive originated with Abraham and was passed down by word of mouth, from father to son, until it culminated in the Sicarii brotherhood many centuries later. The exact lineage can be seen in the following manner:
Abraham –> The Twelve Sons of Israel –> The Priests of Midian –> The Maccabees
The Sicarii, the Rebels of the Suprenatural
The Sicarii were basically hard-core descendants of the Maccabean tradition, some by blood, others by initiation. Rites of passage included learning how to stare directly at the sun without going blind, eating feces and drinking urine to open the mind’s eye, drinking salt-water to induce both diarrhea and vomiting thus clearing the bowels of any unwanted elements.
Every one is (morally) blind until his eyes are opened for him from above.
- Genesis Rabba 53
Further studies included the self-mastering of both dreams and visions- in other words, the conscious control of both the subconscious and unconscious world. This was followed by the teaching of more advanced skills such as remote viewing, detecting ghosts and other spirits, invisibility, telepathy between fellow members and their spouses, and even lycanthropy itself. Jesus and His apostles were also adept at these supernatural, miraculous talents that included healing and exorcisms of evil spirits. The following chart describes some of these supernatural gifts, what the later Church would refer to as gifts of the Holy Ghost, or Charisms:
Operation | Biblical Passage | Rock Song |
Staring at the Sun | Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. (Matthew 13:43) | You’re not the only one staring at the sun afraid of what you’d find if you stepped back inside. – Staring at the Sun, by U2 |
Ingesting Feces and Urine | To the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you. (Isaiah 36:12), | And another one gone, and another one gone…Hey, I’m going get you too…Another one bites the dust. - Another One Bite the Dust, by Queen |
Drinking Salt Water | You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor…it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. (Matthew 5:13) | I’m stepping into the twilight zone…Place is a madhouse feels like being cloned…So you’ll come to know when the bullet hits the bone. – Till the Bullet hits the Bone, by Earrings Golden |
Detecting Ghosts | All manner of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven…but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven. (Matthew 12:31) | All we are is dust in the wind… Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky. It slips away and all your money won’t another minute buy. – Dust in the Wind, by Kansas |
Remote Viewing | And the devil, taking Him up unto a high mountain, showed…Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. (Luke 4:5) | Sundown you better take care If I find you been creeping around my back stairs. She’s…looking like a queen in a sailor’s dream. – Sundown, by Gordon Lightfoot |
Invisibility | They took…up stones to cast at Him: but Jesus hid Himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. (John 8:59) | He got early warning. He got muddy water…He say ‘One and one and one is three,’ got to be good-looking because he’s so hard to see. Come together. – Come Together, by The Beatles |
Telepathy | The LORD said…Why did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I…bear a child, when I am old? Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. He said, ‘Nay you did laugh.’ (Genesis18:13-15) | Tell me what you find when you read my mind…Put your back on me, put your back on me. The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun when you read my mind. – Read my Mind, by The Killers |
Lyncanthropy | Who knows that the spirit of man goes upward, and that the spirit of the beast goes downward to the earth? (Ecclesiastes 3:21) | I hope we’re not too messianic or a trifle too satanic…I am just a monkey man…I’m glad you are a…monkey woman. I’m a monkey, I’m a monkey. – Monkey Man, by The Rolling Stones |
In addition to this, several of the most exceptional members of the Sicarii, some living some dead, could also use mind reading, thought control, clairvoyance, levitation, teleportation, and were capable of spiritually possessing other people. They weren’t magicians or sorcerers in any manner and Simon Magus was certainly not one of them. For the most part, they viewed their ‘magic’ abilities as deriving from the LORD God and were wary of the Biblical prohibitions against witchcraft and sorcery. They practiced their arts with extreme caution and humility, always fearing they might offend God by accident. An explanatory chart of their more advanced abilities is as follows:
Operation | Pertinent Biblical Passage |
Mind Reading | Thus says the LORD God of Israel…Why have you despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in His sight? You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and have taken his wife to be thy wife. (II Samuel 12:7-9) |
Thought Control | The LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go. (Exodus 10:20) |
Clairvoyance | When you…see the abomination of desolation…standing where it should not, (let him that reads this understand) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains. (Mark 13:14) |
Levitation | And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled…and they cried out for fear. (Matthew 14:25-26) |
Teleportation | If you have faith, and doubt not…you shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. (Matthew 21:21) |
Spiritual Possession | Then Satan entered into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. (Luke 22:3) |
With gratitude, the Sicarii looked upon their own personal talents as spiritual gifts bestowed upon them directly by the LORD God. This was quite different from the Pagans’ perception that miraculous abilities came from themselves personally rather than from an external, divine source such as the Hebrew God. For the most part, the Sicarii used their ‘magical’ skills in a precise manner, much like a doctor uses a scalpel for surgery.
The Righteous Knives of the Sicarii
In time, and because of their rage over the Jews who betrayed them and allied themselves with Rome and their sodomite gods, the Sicarii sometimes resorted to political violence and assassination. Wikipedia writes the following:
The Sicarii resorted to terror to obtain their objective. Under their cloaks they concealed sicae, or small daggers, from which they received their name. At popular assemblies, particularly during the pilgrimage to the Temple Mount, they stabbed their enemies (Romans or Roman sympathizers, Herodians, and wealthy Jews comfortable with Roman rule), lamenting ostentatiously after the deed to blend into the crowd to escape detection. Literally, Sicarii meant “dagger-men”.
In truth, the Sicarii were far more than a terrorist sect seeking political independence from Rome. They were folk-heroes, much like Robin Hood, and would have heartily agreed with the sentiment to ‘steal from the rich to give to the poor.’ When they could, the Sicarii would purchase back poor Jews who had been sold into slavery, help young Jewish women leave the life of prostitution, and protect Jewish property from being vandalized or stolen. Many times, their members would work as bodyguards for rich Jews guarding plantations, mansions, and traveling caravans. Not all of them were strictly law-abiding, however. The ancient tradition of defecating and leaving a fresh pile of feces in the homes of the rich after burglarizing them and stealing their possessions was originally a Sicarii tradition that has survived up to the present day.
Not all the Sicarii were thieves and the ones that were would tend to burglarize non-Jewish homes such as tax-collectors, slave-traders or Pagan government officials. Theft was still considered a wicked, greedy sin by the upper echelons of the Sicarii hierarchy. If they ever did steal from their fellow Jews, it was from those rich Jews who no longer practiced Judaism and, instead, affiliated with their Roman oppressors even going so far as to worship the Pagan gods.
Little known to most modern historians, it was the Sicarii who kept the Jewish districts safe and clean throughout the entire Roman Empire. Unlike their Pagan neighbors, who would leave their own elderly and unwanted infants outside the city’s gates to be killed and eaten by wild, scavenger dogs, the Sicarii helped to care for all Jews, including the poor, orphans and widows. They did not allow raw sewage, or garbage, to build up in Jewish neighborhoods.
Outside the camp you shall have a place set aside to be used as a toilet. You shall also keep a shovel in your equipment and with it, when you go outside to ease nature, you shall first dig a hole and afterward cover up your excrement. For the LORD thy God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you…therefore shall your camp be holy: that he sees no unclean thing…and turn away from you.
- Deuteronomy 23:13-15
Contrary to those who dislike them, the Sicarii also showed pity upon as many deserving Gentiles as they could and would often sympathize with those outsiders who made an effort to worship the God of Israel and abide by Jewish law. They were not near as ‘racist,’ tribalistic, or ethnocentric as some critics might contend. Indeed, many were born and raised far away from their homeland. More than a few Sicarii were from humble origins and had mixed blood. As the Babylonian Talmud states:
We support the poor of the heathen along with the poor of Israel, and visit the sick of the heathen along with the sick of Israel, and bury the poor of the heathen along with the dead of Israel in the interests of peace.
- Babylonian Talmud, Nashim IV, Gittin 61a
Throughout the vast Jewish diaspora that existed within the Empire, the Sicarii provided an impenetrable defense against Pagan criminal predators of all varieties. They would walk the streets of Jewish neighborhoods throughout the night keeping the Jewish masses safe in their homes until the break of day. Because of the sexually perverted practices of many Pagan Greco-Romans, which included pedophilia, incest and homosexuality, the Sicarii were always careful to ensure the chastity of all young Jewish children. Although it probably seldom ever occurred, a standard practice of the Sicarii was to hunt down and castrate any Pagan who was guilty of raping a Jewish child, or adult, for that matter. They allowed the rapist to live only to show the other Gentiles what would happen to them if they dared touch any Jew in a sexually aggressive manner. As the Bible states:
Dinah, the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land…Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and raped her…And Shechem spoke unto his father Hamor, saying, Get me this damsel for my wife…And Jacob heard that he had raped Dinah his daughter…And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very angry, because he had wrought folly in Israel in raping Jacob’s daughter; a thing which should never be done….And Hamor communed with them, saying, The soul of my son Shechem longs for your daughter: I pray you give her him to wife…And they said unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised…Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers…came upon the city boldly, and slew all the males…And they slew Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem’s house, and went out…The sons of Jacob came upon the slain, and spoiled the city, because they had raped their sister.
- Genesis 34:1-27
Any Pagans, including Roman centurions, who repeatedly mistreated, harassed, or violently threatened the Empire’s Jewish citizens to any great extent would often find themselves dead with their throats cut in some back alley after they refused to leave the Jews alone. Long before the Mafia, there was the Sicarri who did not indulge in gambling, extortion, or prostitution. Indeed, they were instrumental in helping fellow Jews steer clear of these wicked practices. However, they would, in fact, smoke hashish quite frequently and drink large amounts of beer and wine when they were available. There is substantial historical evidence that the ancient Jews grew and smoked marijuana, even using it as medicine. To the upper-class Greco-Romans, the Sicarii were considered a criminal nuisance that posed a potential threat to their establishment. To the pious Rabbis, they were a dirty, sinful bunch of odd-fellows that helped protect vulnerable Jews from the dangerous Gentile hordes- a necessary evil that provided safety for the Jewish lower classes. For many ordinary Jews, however, they were revered as heroes, protectors, and guardians of the Law. In modern times, Jewish Bolsheviks and socialist revolutionaries often thought of themselves in the same manner, seeing themselves as 20th century Maccabees. Beautiful Jewish maidens from rich and/or devout families would swoon at the sight of these handsome, wild outlaws only to be scolded by their parents that they were not meant to ever marry a mere Sicarri, who were mostly lower class Jewish commoners. The answer was no, absolutely not, before their daughters could even ask the question.
More than a few Sicarii never married and would satisfy their lusts with suitable partners behind closed doors. These included Pagan widows, demonic Gentile prostitutes, and lonely noble Greco-Roman ladies whose husbands preferred other males. Any offspring they produced were given to suitable Jewish families or were allowed to be brought up in wealthy Pagan households just as Moses had been thousands of years before. Sometimes, their Sicarii fathers would actually return to reclaim them when they had grown older and would then teach them the ancient Jewish traditions of the forefathers, especially male circumcision. Being somewhat ecumenical, the Sicarii would sometimes even recruit sincere Gentiles to join them. During the eighth day of initiation, the standard practice was to give the newcomer a sharp dagger and have them slice off their own foreskins and throw it into the fire rather than having an actual Rabbi perform the procedure. This ritual made them a fellow Hebrew and spiritual son of Abraham.
The Sicarii brotherhood was the primary factor behind the Jewish revolt against Rome which ended in disaster and the destruction of both Jerusalem and the Second Temple. Legend has it that giant sodomites came down from Mount Olympus and tore the Jewish Temple to pieces. When direct violence against the enemy gods proved to be a failure, some of them took to the new movement of Christianity. Much like second or third-generation mafia mobsters, they decided to go legitimate and the Christian religion ended up thriving due to their subtle influence and the generous protection they provided. Having seen more than a few ghosts in their time, many of the Sicarii probably had no problem with the belief that Jesus rose from the dead.
Some modern scholars, almost all Protestant, have attempted to link the Apostle Judas Iscariot to the Sicarii due to the similarity in spelling. One historian writes: ‘A second theory is that “Iscariot” identifies Judas as a member of the Sicarii. These were a cadre of assassins among Jewish rebels intent on driving the Romans out of Judea.’ The fact of the matter is that Judas Maccabeus and his legacy known as the Sicarii had absolutely nothing to do with Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of Jesus Christ. Anything else is Protestant ignorance, hostility and deliberate defamation of the heroic Maccabee brothers, especially of St. Judas Maccabeus.
The Dark Sicarii Roots of Christianity
In time, the Sicarii and the Maccabees faded into obscurity and became simply one of the many traditions of the Roman Catholic Church which became less and less Jewish over time. Because of their influence, however, the early Church fathers and other Christians also learned the secret arts of the Holy Ghost, both black ‘magic’ and white ‘magic’, and began displaying the same exceptional abilities that the Sicarii had previously kept completely hidden from public view. In stark contrast to the Sicarii tendency to cover up the supernatural, the Christians openly flaunted their miraculous talents, causing many of the overly superstitious Pagan Gentiles to convert to this new religion. In some respects, the Sicarii brotherhood was the original, enchanted cornerstone of the early Church. Official Christian investigators later developed procedures to record and document genuine miracles of God, long after the legendary Menorah candle that stayed lit for eight days. As it now stands today, Judaism still insists that the last miracle of God occurred during Hanukkah around 2,150 years ago. The Roman Catholic Church believes that supernatural miracles are still occurring even today and will continue to occur until the second coming of Jesus Christ.
May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus, the Hammer of God.
The Hammer of God, Part V. In Search of the Maccabee Tombs
Most Probable Site of the Maccabee Tombs
Part V. In Search of the Maccabee Tombs
Jerusalem of the Second Temple period was surrounded by cemeteries and grave fields. Due to the sanctity of the city and the ritual impurity of the dead, burial was permitted only at reasonable distance from the city walls.
-Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Baba Bathra 2, 9
In general, the exact location of the original Maccabee tombs continues to remain a matter of academic and scholarly dispute, even though some researchers are quite that they have already been found. A growing number of experts are becoming more confident that they are located just outside of the hometown of the Maccabees, originally called Modein, Judea. Even so, several sites that can be classified as later Hasmonean tombs, including Jason’s Tomb, have been clearly identified and can be seen as follows:
Zachariah’s Tomb, a Hasmonean Gravesite
Zachariah’s Tomb, a Hasmonean Gravesite
Jason’s Tomb, Rehavia, Jerusalem
Historically, the Maccabees are considered to be the founders of the Hasmonean royal dynasty which ruled Judea and Israel until the days of Herod, an Edomite, who managed to murder all the remaining Hasmoneans directly related to the original five sons of Mattathias the Hasmonean, namely John Gaddis, Simon Thassi, Judas Maccabaeus, Eleazar Avaran, and Jonathan Apphus. This was done to ensure his continued rule and to finally quash the Jewish independence established by the Maccabees more than 150 years before the time of Herod. Here is the original timeline of the beginning of the Hasmonean royal dynasty:
Leader(s) of the Maccabees Timeline
167 BC: Mattathias, the Hasmonean
166 – 161 BC: Judas Maccabaeus, the Hammer of the LORD
161 – 143 BC: Jonathan Apphus, the Wary
143 – 135 BC: Simon Thassi, the Zealous Guide
Although the Maccabees, and later their descendants, the Hasmoneans, managed to keep Israel free from foreign oppression for almost 100+ years, this abruptly ended with King Herod who was not a Hasmonean at all, nor a Jew. Wikipedia states the following:
The Hasmonean dynasty, which leaped onto the stage of history with such dramatic heroism, disappeared from that same stage with cruel suddenness. The despot Herod, whose régime was forced upon the unwilling Jewish populace by his Romans overlords, was fully aware that the aura of Hasmonean charisma would constitute a continual threat to his power, and hence he undertook to ruthlessly murder all the remaining descendants of that family, including his beloved wife Mariamne, granddaughter of the Hasmonean ruler Hyrcanus II. Herod executed her on trumped-up charges of disloyalty, as he did afterwards to the two sons she had borne him, Alexander and Aristobulus.
- Wikipedia
Thus, while many of the later Hasmonean tombs have been correctly identified, the Maccabee Tombs themselves have yet to completely verified and agreed upon by the various experts in history and archaeology. In general, it is believed that the Tombs of the Maccabees are located west of Jerusalem in the Ben-Shemen Forest region right nearby the modern Israeli city of Modi’in, Israel. Historically, this is very close to where the original Maccabee rebellion first began against the Greek occupation in 167 B.C. One source describes the site in the following manner:
Ancient cave-tombs riddle the area, but the Maccabee-country location of this cluster of limestone tombs, which appears to be that of one family, and their old Arabic name – “tombs of the Jews”- persuade many that the Maccabees were buried here. Hanukkah ceremonies honoring the ancient warriors have been held here for the past century.
- Go
Here are just a few pictures of the vicinity where the original Maccabees are believed to have been buried. Further research and scientific digs will most probably reveal additional information sometime in the future. For the most part, the vast majority of professionals agree that this is the most probable location of the remains of Mattathias the Hasmonean, along with his five sons, the Maccabee Brothers:

Site of the Maccabee Tombs

May the LORD God bless you in the name of St. Judas Maccabaeus.
The Hasmonean Chronicles, Part I. Sasha Cohen, the Maccabee Princess of Ice and Snow
- I Maccabees 2:27

Born: October 26, 1984
Birthplace: Westwood, Calif.
Hometown: Newport Beach, Calif.
Training Town: Aliso Viejo, Calif., and Lake Arrowhead, Calif.
Skating Club: Orange County FSC
Coaches: John Nicks and Rafael Arutunian
Choreographers :Lori Nichol and Nikoli Morozov
Sasha’s Favorites
Sports figure: Lance Armstrong
City: Barcelona, Spain
Season: Summer
Author: John Steinbeck
Magazine: People
Movies: My Fair Lady, Baraka and Bridges of Madison County
TV shows: Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl and Sex and the City
Gadget: iPod
Drink: Coffee
Quote “Life’s tough, get a helmet.”
Sasha’s Three Things
- (Three things that) People would be surprised to find out about me… I’m always at the library, I love to run errands, and I’m interested in almost everything.
- Three people I’d like to have dinner with… Lance Armstrong, Angelina Jolie and Oprah Winfrey
- Three things I hate doing… Waiting, getting up early and scheduling things way in advance
- Three things I love doing… Cooking/baking with friends and family, seeing theater and sleeping
- Three celebrity crushes… Clive Owen, Gerard Butler and Denzel Washington
- Three things I must have when I leave the house… Phone, iPod and wallet
Sasha’s Favorite Organizations
- Figure Skating in Harlem
- American Heart Association
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America
- Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
- Girls Inc.
- Make a Wish Foundation
- The Shaka Franklin Foundation
- PS Arts
- Public Libraries Literacy Programs
- Ronald McDonald House Charities
- Soldiers’ Angels
- Special Olympics
SASHA COHEN’s star quality shines brighter today than when she won a silver medal for the United States with a gutsy performance at the 2006 Olympic Winter Games in Torino, Italy.
She is an icon of her sport but also holds worldwide influence in other realms including fashion and nutrition, leading the way in promoting a healthy physical and mental daily regimen that stretches across all demographics.
“I concentrate on living in the now,” said Sasha, who was born Alexandra Pauline Cohen. It is the same philosophy that has molded Sasha’s life since taking a hiatus from competitive skating following her impressive win at the U.S. Championships and medal wins at the Olympics and the 2006 World Championships.
And it is a philosophy that continued to motivate Sasha as she looked toward competing at the 2010 U.S. Championship. Needing the challenge that competitive skating provides, Sasha took a break from touring and her other professional demands — her credits including commercials, movies and prime time television — to return to to competition in the 2009-10 season. She was fourth at nationals.
Sasha studied a semester at the intensive The New York Film Academy at Harvard University during her break from competitive skating. She has also taken speech classes and a variety of other acting classes, many from Hollywood’s top coaches. She is routinely given scripts to peruse.
Sasha is as much an ambassador for her charities, including the Figure Skating in Harlem organization, where she serves on the board, as she is for her sport. Recognizing that young people are influenced by what they see in public, Sasha thrives on being a positive role model.
Her autobiography “Fire On Ice,” published by HarperCollins after her thrilling appearance in Torino, is a testament to Sasha’s disciplined lifestyle. The book sold out of its hardback printing while soft cover was in high demand well before its release date.
Good things don’t fall into Sasha’s lap but she makes good things happen. Sasha is living the moment but is in complete control of her life — she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Hammer of God, Part V. The Actual Words of Judas Maccabaeus
The Maccabee stands for Hammer in Hebrew
Part V. The Actual Words of Judas Maccabaeus
- Judas Maccabaeus (II Maccabees 8:18)
It is an easy matter for many to be defeated by the hands of a few and there is no difference in the sight of the God of heaven to deliver with a great multitude, or with a small number. For the success of war is not in the size of the army, but in the strength that comes down from Heaven. They come against us with an insolent large army, with pride to destroy us, and our wives, and our children, and to take our possessions. However, we will fight for our lives and our laws. The LORD Himself will overthrow them right in front of our faces. So as for you fellow soldiers, fear them not.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabaeus 3:18-23)
Prepare yourselves, be valiant men, and be ready against the morning, that you may fight with these nations that are assembled against us to destroy us and our sanctuary. For it is better for us to die in battle, than to see the evils of our nation, and of the holy places. For it shall be the will of God in Heaven that this can be done.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabaeus 3:58-60)
Fear ye not their multitude, neither be afraid of their assault. Remember in what manner our fathers were saved in the Red Sea, when Pharaoh pursued them with a great army. Now let us cry unto heaven, so that the LORD will have mercy on us and will remember the covenant of our fathers, and thus will destroy this army standing before us this day. Let all the nations know that there is one that redeems and delivers Israel.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 4:1-11)
Be not greedy of the plunder, for there is still war before us. And Gorgias and his army are near us in the mountain, instead stand now against our enemies, overthrow them, so that you can take the plunder afterwards with safety.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 4:17-18)
Blessed art thou, O Saviour of Israel, who destroyed the violence of the mighty by the hand of your servant David and did deliver up the camp of the strangers into the hands of Jonathan, the son of Saul and of his armourbearer. Let this army be defeated by the hands of your people Israel and let them be confounded in their host and their horsemen. Strike them with fear, and cause the boldness of their strength to languish, let them tremble at their own destruction. Cast them down with the sword of them who love you and let all that know your name praise thee with hymns.
Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 4:30-33)
Behold our enemies are scattered and defeated, let us now go to cleanse the holy places and to heal them.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 4:36)
Allow no man to stay behind, but let all come forth and do battle.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 5:2)
Behold, our enemies are crushed; let us go up to cleanse the sanctuary and dedicate it.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabaeus 4:36)
Fight today for your brothers!
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabaeus 5:32)
All the Gentiles around us have gathered to him; it is a very large force.They also have hired Arabs to help them, and they are encamped across the stream, ready to come and fight against you." And Judas went to meet them.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 5:38-39)
Permit no man to encamp, but make them all engage in battle.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 5:42)
When the messengers from the king spoke blasphemy, thy angel went forth and struck down one hundred and eighty-five thousand of the Assyrians. So also crush this army before us today. Let them know and learn that Nicanor has spoken wickedly against the sanctuary, and judge him according to this wickedness.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 7:41-42)
Let us pass through your land to get to our land. No one will do you harm; we will simply pass by on foot.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 5:48)
O LORD, when they that were sent by king Sennacherib blasphemed You, an angel went out, and slew a hundred and eighty-five thousand of them. Even so destroy this army that stands before today, and let the rest know that he has spoken ill against Your sanctuary and judge him according to his wickedness.
- Judas Macabaeus (I Maccabees 7:41-42)
Let us arise, and go against our enemies, for we may still be able to fight against them and win.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 9:7)
God forbid we should ever back down and flee away from the enemy, for if our time has truly come, let us die manfully for our brothers so we don't leave stains upon our glory.
- Judas Maccabaeus (I Maccabees 9:10)
May the LORD God bless you in the name of the Maccabees.